About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Purpose of the journal

Throughout the world, different institutionalized corporal practices (sport, physical education, dance, gymnastics, capoeira, and others) have called the attention of historians and social scientists, as objects that may contribute to the broadening of our vision on the social context in which they are inserted. Among others, Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias directed a privileged look on sport, acknowledging its relevance in the cultural picture of modernity and contemporarity.

In Brazil, although there have been studies done since the 19th century, the history of sport still is a recent field of investigation. Despite the fact that the sportive phenomenon didn't escape the observation of important Brazilian scholars in the 20th century, historical studies that have had sport as its main focus only started growing, in number and in quality, in the past decade, in addition to acquiring some national organization.

Aims of the journal

The main objective of ‘Recorde': Journal of Sport History, an online publication of ‘Sport': Laboratory of the History of Sport and Leisure and of the Post-Graduation Program in Comparative History, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), is contributing to the structuring of historical studies that have the institutionalized corporal practices as object.

Scope and Themes

Some basic ideas guide this publication:

a) In spite of the usage of the term ‘sport' in its title, the journal accepts articles about all institutionalized corporal practices (sport, physical education, dance, gymnastics, capoeira, and others), as well as leisure activities, in any historical time.

b) In spite of being a scientific journal, ‘Recorde' aims at opening new opportunities to any production that may contribute to the development of the history of sport.

Publication frequency and audience

Recorde -- Journal of Revista de História do Esporte is published twice per year, with numbers out in June and December (covering January-June and July-December periods), directed to scholars and students, researchers of areas such as History, Sociology, Anthropology, Physical Education and other social and human sciences, convering the multidisciplinary field of “sport studiesg.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Peer Review Process

Publication policy

* 'Recorde' is a semi-annual journal (issues in June and December) which publishes texts in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.

* The journal accepts the following contributions, which will be published in the respective sections:
1) Articles.
2) Reviews, which publishes contributions on: a) Books; b) Films.
3) Other Texts, which publishes abstracts of dissertations and thesis, summaries of international journals, and commentaries in general.
4) More Info, which publishes information about scientific events, research groups and any other news that may be of interest to the development of the historical studies of sport.

* The only mandatory section in every issue is Articles, being the others optional and published according to the editors' decision.

* When submitting an article to the journal, the author must fill up a declaration of ineditism, originality and authorization for publication, stating that the article is original, and has been submitted exclusively to this journal. Click here to download the file.

* Furthermore, the author must send a brief text, no longer than 1 page, stating the originality of the article and its contributions to the field of sport history.

* The journal accepts publishing translations, with the acknowledgment of the author of the contribution.

Procedures of article evaluation

* The contributions sent to the section Articles undergo an editorial process consisting of the following stages:

First, the article goes through a previous selection by the editors, in order to evaluate its adequacy and the thematic pertinency of its publication.

Having fulfilled the formal and thematic exigencies, the article is sent to two academic reviewers ad hoc to be refereed, following the ‘double-blind' procedure.

The reviewers, anonimously, will issue one of the following recommendations: a) accepted for publication; b) refused for publication; c) reformulation.

* In case of discrepancy between the reviews, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, whose evaluation will define its acceptation or not.

*In the refereeing, the following criteria will be considered: adequacy to the rules; consistence and theory coherence; contribution to the historical studies of sport; originality.

Other observations

* The ideas, statements and opinions in the published contributions are of full responsibility of their authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editors and/or the Editorial Board.

* The editors have the right to analyze the recommendation emitted in order to preserve the authors.

* The overall revision of the text is of full responsibility of the authors, including revision of design, grammar and formatting.

* The contributions sent to the other sections of the journal will be evaluated exclusively by the editors.

* The papers published by Recorde may be freely distributed and reproduced, since the source (Recorde) and the respective author are cited. Authors should be directly contacted for permission.

Publication Frequency

Publication frequency and audience

Recorde -- Journal of Revista de História do Esporte is published twice per year, with numbers out in June and December (covering January-June and July-December periods), directed to scholars and students, researchers of areas such as History, Sociology, Anthropology, Physical Education and other social and human sciences, convering the multidisciplinary field of “sport studies”.

Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
