The tentacles of capital and the meanings of the city

urbanization, labor and football in the city of Santos, 1892 – 1920


  • André Luiz Rodrigues Carreira Universidade de São Paulo


This article aims to analyze the process of urban transformation that occurred in the city of Santos between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century by the world of work and one of the fundamental cultural elements of the working class, football. I also want to analyze the conflicts inherent in the formation of such initiatives that are predominantly for recreation, partly as a result of the clash between the cultural proposals formulated for the workers by anarchists and trade union militants and other forms of class leisure that are rapidly popularized. Finally, the research tries to understand the space occupied by the associations dedicated to football in the tensions and contradictions between capital and labor and among the different nationalities (mitigating or reinforcing oppositions and rivalries) represented in the population of Santos in the mentioned period.

Keywords: City; Football; Labor





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