Consensus in Merovingian Politics: the anglophone contribution


  • Ian Wood University of Leeds


This article seeks to analyse the contributions made over the last few decades by English-speaking medievalists to the debate about consensus as a tool for social analysis. The work gives special emphasis to the contributions made by Paul Fouracre, responsible for inserting the concept at the center of Merovingian studies during the 1980s. Strongly inspired by Social Anthropology, the English academic tradition has tended to treat consensus in direct relation to conflict. Following the influence of Evans-Pritchard's anthropological writings among medievalists from the 1970s onwards, Fouracre and other English authors proposed that consensus within a group would often be linked to the exclusion of certain subjects from such a group. Thus, aspects such as "envy" and the threat of conflict have a central position in this tradition of consensus interpretation during the Merovingian period.


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