Encounters and the family relationship: a deleuzian approach


  • Roberta Carvalho Romagnoli Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais PUC-Minas


Clinical Psychology, Family, Family Therapy, Subjetivicty, Schizoanalysis


This study intends to follow the relationship concept in different approaches of the family therapy, adding the reading from Deleuze of that concept in Espinosa's work. The Psychoanalysis understands that the family relationship comes from an unconscious family structure. The Systemic theory understands it as a standard group interaction. The Si-Cibernectic understands it as a builder of recursive contexts. Independent of the theory it is essential in clinic practice. Several readings from these theories develop, as Gilles Deleuze understands, an interiority treatment, as it tries to explain the reality through the suggested models. Using a reasoning of exteriority based on Deleuze's ideas about Espinosa, the family relationship molds various types of expressions connecting the parts of each one and the parts of the group. It is in the engagement of the active forces and the passive forces that the family devises, opens to connections or closes to the circulation of life.


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