Social representations of adolescence/youth from journalistic texts (1968-1974 and 1996-2002)
Adolescence, Youth, Social representationsAbstract
The analysis of the information about adolescence/youth distributed in Brazil on recent years may contribute to the comprehension of how adolescence is represented in our society. Stemming from the perspective of Social Representation Theory, this work investigated social representations of adolescence/youth from journalistic news pieces published on VEJA weekly magazine from 1968 to 1974 and from 1996 to 2002. We utilized the ALCESTE software for data organization and treatment. In both studied periods ideas of rebellion, of dependence and immaturity, and of the student condition were identified in the adolescence/youth representation. It is also observed the growing attribution of importance and responsibility to the family on the development of the youths, markedly the presence of professional/specialized discourse on their immaturity, with prescriptions ever more directed to prevention of risk behavior. Also present are histories of exclusion and violence are present, indicating the predominance of the association of negative contents related to youngsters in the media.References
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