Object films

Still life between experimental cinema and video art


  • Ian Schuler UFJF




Still life, Experimental cinema, Video art, Object


In this article I analyze some historical and conceptual elements of still life, seeking to identify points of relationship with audiovisual procedures. In particular, I develop the following argument: based on some interpretations of the still life genre, we can assume that, usually, these images deal with objects found in the domestic spaces. Some filmmakers and video artists also focus their attention on everyday domestic life and, eventually, film the things that inhabit these spaces, producing what we might call a cinema of still life. In fact, this possible film genre has already been mentioned by some authors. However, when transposed to cinema, still life acquires new characteristics. Without trying to overdetermine them, I elaborate on some of its meanings, considering the work of filmmakers and video artists who have made inanimate objects the main motto in some of their works. Finally, I identify other basic features of this possible audiovisual genre.

Keywords: Experimental cinema. Video art. Still life. Object.


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