Tool for Prospecting of Remaining Hydro-Energetic Potential


  • Claudio Bielenki Junior Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC USP), Centro de Recursos Hídricos e Estudos Ambientais, Avenida dos Trabalhores São-Carlense, 400, Parque Arnold Schimidt, 13566-590, São Carlos – SP
  • Dalva Maria de Castro Vitti Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC USP), Centro de Recursos Hídricos e Estudos Ambientais, Avenida dos Trabalhores São-Carlense, 400, Parque Arnold Schimidt, 13566-590, São Carlos – SP
  • Bruno Bernardo dos Santos Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC USP), Centro de Recursos Hídricos e Estudos Ambientais, Avenida dos Trabalhores São-Carlense, 400, Parque Arnold Schimidt, 13566-590, São Carlos – SP
  • Frederico Fábio Mauad Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC USP), Centro de Recursos Hídricos e Estudos Ambientais, Avenida dos Trabalhores São-Carlense, 400, Parque Arnold Schimidt, 13566-590, São Carlos – SP



GIS, Hidropower, Water resources


In the context of renewable energy sources, small hydropower plants are a good cost-benefit alternative and they can be implemented in remote communities that have waterfalls. The objective of this study was to develop and apply a tool in a GIS environment capable of pointing out sites for the remaining hydro-energy utilization in three hydrographic basins based on altimetric data and regionalization of flow rates. The results were verified by comparing hydro-energetic potentials identified with previously inventoried sites. From the comparative analysis, it was possible to identify the remaining potentials efficiently and quickly, being the tool an important instrument to assist in the prospecting of hydro-energetic potential.





