Integration of Geological, Petrographic and Abrasion Resistance Data of the Gneisses from Santa Catarina Granulithic Complex: An Application in the Road Paving Sector




Asphalts aggregates, Alterations, Microfractures


Among the factors that contribute to the adequate performance of the aggregates, the abrasion resistance of these materials stands out, a parameter strongly related to the mineral composition of the rock. Therefore, this work aims to analyze and integrate data from Los Angeles abrasion tests to the petrographic analysis of gneisses of the Santa Catarina Granulithic Complex in order to understand the petrographic characteristics that can interfere or control the resistance results, such as: composition, texture, mineralogical alterations, granulometry and microfractures. The work was developed in four stages: (1) field activities, where descriptions of the outcrops of the four quarries studied were performed, focusing on the characterization of the compositional, textural and structural aspects of the rocks, in addition to sample collection and photographic survey; (2) petrography via conventional optical microscope and BSE images and semi quantitative analysis by electron microscope; (3) analysis of Los Angeles abrasion test data samples from the studied quarries and (4) their integration with petrographic data. Two main lithologies, enderbitic and tonalitic gneiss were identified. The results of the Los Angeles abrasion tests showed that the crushed aggregates (gneiss) of Gaspar Quarry presented the lowest abrasion values, followed by the Vale Selke, Rio Branco and 1001 quarries. Regarding composition, the enderbitic gneiss presented an average loss of 17.2%, while in the tonalitic gneiss the loss was 17.7%. The composition (high content of mafic minerals), texture and the presence of localized microfractures were the main factors that contributed to the higher values found in quarry 1001. However, both lithologies present acceptable abrasion results, in view of the specifications of the regulatory services, DNIT (031/2006) and DNIT (141/2010). The present study shows a good correlation between the result of the Los Angeles abrasion and the petrographic data, showing that composition is the main determining factor of Los Angeles abrasion results.

Biografia do Autor

João André Martins, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Departamento de Geologia e Recursos Minerais, Instituto de Geociências (IG).

Lucas da Rocha Pinto, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, CCMN, IGEO, Departamento de Geologia, Laboratório de Geologia Sedimentar (Lagesed).

Luana Moreira Florisbal, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC, Departamento de Geologia. Campus Universitário Trindade


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