The Effect of Agricultural Modernization on Work Preferences in Batu, East Java, Indonesia




Karang Taruna, Farmer, Human resources


This study aims to determine the effect of agricultural modernization on work preferences. There are two variables of agricultural modernization are used, which are the characteristics of human resources and farming characteristics. This type of research is survey research with a quantitative descriptive analysis. The location of this research was carried out in Batu on the respondents of Karang Taruna (Children of Farmers) aged 16-22 years. The sampling technique used the formula from Slovin to get 100 respondents. The sampling technique used Proportionate Random Sampling techniques and data collection methods through Google Form. Data analysis techniques in this study were the test instrument and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was a significant influence on the modernization of agriculture on work preferences for Karang Taruna in Junrejo District Batu.


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