Weather Forecasting in Brazil: A Concise Historical Review




Synptic Meteorology, Meteorology Services, Numerical Weather Prediction


The main objective of this article is to describe the factors and issues responsible for the evolution of the weather forecast in Brazil.
This is done based on a historical review of the formation and evolution of the national meteorological services in the last 170 years
and on the development of weather forecasting methods. Changes in the routines of weather forecasting services in two centenary
Brazilian institutions, the National Institute of Meteorology and the Brazilian Navy, since the creation of the first subjective forecasts
to the present day, are highlighted. Information about the 14 undergraduate courses in Meteorology in Brazil is given, which support
the technological development of this science, through scientific research and training of human resources. The introduction of
meteorological radar in the 1970s, and its current networks, as well as the elaboration of the first numerical weather predictions (NWP)
by the Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (Centro de Previsão do Tempo e Estudos Climáticos do Instituto Nacional
de Pesquisas Espaciais – CPTEC/INPE), in 1995, are also described. To complement, a survey is presented, showing the current
working conditions of weather forecasters. The survey results reveal that 45% of the 102 meteorologists interviewed use the Czech
Republic Windy application to prepare their weather forecasts operationally and almost 60% use the Wyoming University website to
obtain data from radiosondes launched in Brazil. It is important to highlight that, since the introduction of NWP by CPTEC/INPE, at the
end of the 1990s, there has been a great advance in the field of weather forecasting. Moreover, observational networks have undergone
a great expansion, with a significant increase in the number of weather stations in recent decades. Despite all the progress achieved,
there is still a need for the integration of observational networks and databases of various institutions. Finally, the development of
applications that meet the demand of young meteorologists in the operational centers is advisable.

Biografia do Autor

Valdo da Silva Marques, North Fluminense State University

Center of Sciences and Technology

Claudine Dereczynski, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Institute of Geosciences, Meteorology Department


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