A problemática da segurança alimentar urbana na África subsaariana. Entrevista de Inês Macamo Raimundo.





Segurança alimentar


RAIMUNDO, Inês M.; CEASER, Mary. Understanding Food Security and Hunger in Xai-Xai. In RILEY, Liam; CRUSH, Jonathn Transforming Urban Food Systems in Secondary Cities in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2023, p.273-291.

McCORDIC, C., Riley, Liam.; RAIMUNDO, Inês. M. Household food security in Maputo: the role of Gendered Access to education and employment. Development Southern Africa. 38, 5, 2021, p. 816-827. DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2021.193242

PAGANINI, Nicole; ADINATA, Kustiwa; BUTHELEZI, Nomonde; HARRIS, David Harris; LEMKE, Stefanie; LUÍS, Alberto; KOPPELIN, Jennifer; KARRIEM, Abdulrazak; NCUBE, Fezile; AGUIRRE, Nervi; RAMBA, Tandu; RAIMUNDO, Inês; SULEJMANVIC, Nedim; SWANBY, Haidee; TEVERA, Danie; STÖBER, Silke. Growing and Eating Food during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Farmers’ perspectives on local food system resilience to shocks in southern Africa and Indonesia. Sustainability, v. 12, n° 20, 2020, 8556; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12208556.

MCcORDIC, Cameron., Raimundo, Inês. The Inclusion of Young Entrepreneurs in the City of Maputo’s Food Markets. Urban Forum, 30, 2019, p.461–475. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12132-019-09368-2

PAGANINI, Nicole; LEMKE, Stefanie; RAIMUNDO, Inês, M, The potential of urban agriculture towards a more sustainable urban food system in food-insecure neighbourhoods in Cape Town and Maputo. Economia agro-alimentar / Food Economy. v. 20, nº 3, 2018, p. 339-421.

RAIMUNDO, Inês M. Food insecurity in the context of climate change in Maputo City, Mozambique: challenges and coping strategies. In THOMAS-HOPE, Elizabeth (Editor). Climate change and food security- Africa and the Caribbean. London and New York: Earsthcan-Routledge, p.172-180.

RAIMUNDO, Inês M; CRUSH, Jonathan; PENDLETON, Wade, Food insecurity, poverty and informality. In CRUSH, Jonathan; BATTERSBY, Jane (edit.). Rapid urbanisation, urban food deserts and food security in Africa. Switzerland Springer publisher, pp 71-84.

RAIMUNDO, Inês M; FRAYNE, Bruce. Impacts of climate change on Migration and food security. In FRAYNE, Bruce; MOSER, Caroline; ZIERVOGEL, Gina. Climate change, assets and food security in Southern Africa cities. New York: Earthscan, 2012, p 96-109.


