Paradigmas e diversidades: dois momentos da Comunicação Visual
Constant transformations can be observedin the products of the present Visual Communication: moving away, more and more, the paradigms based on Bauhaus by theoriticians as Wassili Kandinsky, Paul Klee and others. Klee developed a creative theory taking priority the structure of the picture, applying the mesh of construction as a presupposed element to the artistic conceptions.
The moment, however, demands constant transformations, singularities that can be observed in the present products, distant more and more from the paradigmatic mirrorings. New challenges demand attention from the professional of the Visual Communication to the coercions around him.
In search of new ways to attend to the appeal of the moment the Visual Communicator, when using the sintax elements- with their own concepts and meaning - will be able to develop instigating and up-to-date solutions, being attentive to the comprehension of our culture.
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DROSTE, Magdalena: Bauhaus 1919-1933, Berlin, Benedikt Taschen, 1994
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FRUTIGER, Adrian: Signos, Símbolos, Marcas, Señales. Barcelona, G.Gili., 1985
GEELHAAR, Christian: Paul Klee’et le Bauhaus. Neuchâtel Iles e Calendes, 1972
GUILLAUME, Paul: Psicologia da Forma, SP, Ed. Nacional, 1966
HARVEY, David: A Condição Pós-Moderna, SP, Loyola, 1993
HÖRMANN, Hans: Psicología del Lenguaje. Biblioteca Románica Hispánica, Madrid, Editorial Gredos, SA., 1973
JAMESON, Frederic: Pós-Modernismo. A lógica Cultural do Capitalismo Tardio. SP, Ática, 1996
LYOTARD, Jean-Fançois: Discours, Figure. Paris, Klincksíeck, 1985 Moralidades Pós-Modernas, SP, Papirus, 1996
KAGAN, Andrew: Paul Klee, Art & Music. NY. Cornell University Press. Ithaca and London 1989
KANDINSKY, Wassili: Curso da Bauhaus. SP, Martins Fontes, 1987 Ponto, Linha, Plano: RJ, Edições 70, 1989
KLEE, Paul: La Pensée Créatrice. Écrits sur L'Art / 1 Textes recueillis et annotés par Jurg Spiller Paris, Dessais et Tolra, 1973
______. Diários. SP. Martins Fontes, 1990
______. Teoria del Arte Moderno. Buenos Aires, Calden, ,1979
KUMAR, Krisshan, Da Sociedade Pós-lndustrial à Pós-Moderna. RJ, Jorge Zahar, 1997
MOLES, A e outros.: Semiologia dos Objetos. Petrópolis, Vozes, 1972
PANOFSKY, Erwin: Significado nas Artes Visuais. Perspectiva, SP., 1991
SALLES, Ricardo: Nostalgia Imperial. Topbooks, RJ, 1996
SPANUDIS, Theon: Construtivistas Brasileiros. RJ, s/e, s/d
STANGOS, Nikos: Conceitos da Arte Moderna. RJ. Jorge Zahar, 1991
TORRES-GARCIA, Joaquín: Universalismo Construtivo, vol. 2 Alianza Forma Madrid, Editorial Alianza, 1984
WICK, Reiner: Pedagogia da Bauhaus. SP. Martins Fontes. 1990
WONG, Wucius: Fundamentos del diseño. Barcelona, G. Gilí, 1993
WORRINGER, Wilhelm: Abstraction et Einfürlung. Présentation Dora Vallier. L’Esprit et les Formes, Paris, Editions Klincksieck, , 1986
NOVUM Gebrauchsgraphik: 7/1972
Step-by-Step Publishing: Step-by-Step Graphics, vol 12. n° 3. 1996
Catálogo de Letraset do Brasil
Step-by-Step Publishing: Step-by-Step Graphics vol. 12 n° 6; vol 14 n° 3, 4 e 5
Disquete de Fontes Tipográficas Tonho-Fonts