Pampa Biome, Seasonal deciduous forest, Tinamiformes, Yellow-legged TinamouAbstract
Studies reporting specific aspects of forest tinamous’ feeding ecology are still scarce in the scientific literature, and most of the available information report only casual observations. The Crypturellus noctivagus noctivagus (Tinamiformes, Tinamidae) is a forest bird endemic to Brazil, which occurs from southern Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul. In this study, we analyzed food items found in the stomach content of one C. n. noctivagus individual in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We found seeds of Nectandra megapotamica (Laurales, Lauraceae) and Myrcianthes gigantea (Myrtales, Myrtaceae), totalizing 2.259 g. We also found insect fragments of the orders Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, one individual of the family Curculionidae (Coleoptera), and one larval specimen of Dirphia muscosa (Lepdoptera), totalizing 0.637 g of stomach content, and rock fragments weight 1.741 g. This study provides records of the C. n. noctivagus species feeding habits, contributing to the knowledge about the trophic ecology of Tinamiformes in South Brazil.
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