About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Oecologia Australis (OA) is an international peer-reviewed and Open Access Journal. OA promotes ongoing international research and information exchange through publication of latest research reports/ breakthroughs in Ecology and related areas.

Oecologia Australis is published by Associação Brasileira para Ecologia e Conservação (ABECO). Our aim is to publish reviews, case studies and opinions in Ecology and related areas. The target public of our journal is researchers and undergraduate and graduate students in Ecology and related areas.

Oecologia Australis is indexed at Scopus, Biological Abstracts and Zoological Records.

All accepted manuscripts are charged for publication. The amount is for publication costs only: for ABECO members the value is R$200.00 and for non-members R$300.00. If you would like to become a ABECO member, see https://abeco.org.br/ 

Papers may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. We publish four issues per year (March, June, September and December), one of which are thematic issues composed by invited authors and edited by invited editors. The remaining issues are composed of spontaneous submissions.

The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Topics of interest include:

 1-      Organismal ecology (ecophysiology, animal behavior, natural history, evolutionary biology of organisms)

2-      Population ecology

3-      Community and metacommunity ecology

4-      Macroecology

5-      Biogeography

6-      Ecosystem ecology

7-      Limnology

8-      Oceanography

9-      Conservation biology

10-     Landscape ecology

11-     Species Management

12-     Environmental education

13-     Environmental management

14-     Species list and geographic distribution expansion records


Peer Review Process

We adopted the double-blind Peer Review system, where authors and reviewers do not know the identity of each other. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers. In case of conflicting opinions, the responsible editor decides if the manuscript goes over another reviewer or emits a final position on the manuscript.

When a manuscript is submitted to the journal, it goes through a first evaluation by the Assistant Editor. This first evaluation will check the general quality of the text, the adequability to the scope and cover letter.

Then the manuscript goes to the Associated Editor for the review process. The Associated Editor send its decision to the Editor-in-chief that is responsable for the final decision.

When accepted, manuscript is published Ahead of Print and then in one of the four annual volumes of Oecologia Australis. Technical Editors evaluate the adequancy of the manuscript to the journal format and can contact authors before publication in Ahead of Print.  Author will receive and check the final proof just before the volume publication.


Research Ethics

Research conducted by animal or plant collection or involving human data should meet ethical standards. In addition, field studies conducted in protected areas must possess appropriate licenses and permits. These details should be provided in the methods section of the manuscript, including the relevant license and permit numbers.

 Animal Research

All research involving animals must prioritize conservation and animal welfare. Studies involving animal manipulation, whether in the field or laboratory, must adhere to relevant legislation and guidelines and receive appropriate ethical approval. Authors should provide a statement detailing how the research complied with ethical standards, including the name of the approving institution and all relevant approval and license numbers, in the Material and Methods section.

 Plant Research

Experimental plant research must follow institutional, national, and/or international guidelines. Similarly, field research must adhere to pertinent regulations and acquire necessary licenses and permissions prior to initiation. This information must be provided in the Material and Methods section.

Human Research

For research involving human data or subjects, adherence to the principles delineated in the Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki/) is imperative. Prior to commencing the research, researchers must obtain appropriate ethical approval. Authors should provide a statement identifying the committee responsible for approving the study along with any relevant reference number in the Methods section.



Brazilian Association for Ecological Sciences and Conservation (ABECO)

Adress: Carlos Chagas Filho Avenue, 791, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão, CEP 21941-904, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Contact: contato@abeco.org.br 



Graduate Program in Ecology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGE-UFRJ)

Adress: Carlos Chagas Filho Avenue, 373, Post-Graduation of the Institute of Biology Building, between Blocks B and C of the Center of Health Sciences, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão, CEP 21941-971, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Contact: ppgecologiaufrj@gmail.com


Journal History

Oecologia Australis was created in 1995 under the name Oecologia Brasiliensis, the main objective was to increase the dissemination of the results produced by research carried out in the Graduate Program in Ecology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGE-UFRJ) . Nine issues were published until 2001, when the publication of the magazine was interrupted. In 2006, it was resumed as a quarterly journal and a with a new editorial board, along the new objective of publishing summaries, reviews and special issues on various topics in Ecology and related areas. In 2010 the journal is renamed Oecologia Australis. This change occurred due to the growth of Oecologia Brasiliensis and its consolidation as an important journal for the Brazilian scientific community, that demanded for a publication vehicle that included researchers from other Latin American countries and other continents. In 2020, a new stage began, through the partnership with the Brazilian Association for Ecological Sciences and Conservation (ABECO). With this new association, we hope to reach an even larger audience and foster further ecological discussions in the southern hemisphere. Oecologia Australis offers full instant open access to the entire public, assuming that scientific knowledge must be disseminated without any restriction.