distribution, Environmental Protection Area of Banhado Grande, migratory bird, species occurrence, Wildlife Refuge Banhado dos PachecosAbstract
The Black-crowned Monjita Xolmis coronatus (Passeriformes, Tyrannidae) is a bird species that lives alone or in pairs, inhabits open areas and feeds mainly on insects. This species nests in the Patagonian region at central Argentina and, especially during the austral winter, migrates northward reaching Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. In Brazil, in the Rio Grande do Sul state (RS), it is considered a sporadic visitor reported in the West and Northwest, between April and December. Here we present the occurrence of X. coronatus in three consecutive winters (2014-2016) on the border between the Environmental Protection Area of Banhado Grande and the Banhado dos Pachecos Wildlife Refuge, classified as an Important Bird Area in the municipality of Viamão, RS. Ours represent the first record of this bird occurring in this region interannually, indicating a geographic range expansion of the species of about 380 km toward the East of the state, highlighting the importance of Protected Areas for wildlife maintenance.
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