
  • Marcos Eduardo Miranda Santos Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ambientometria/Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia (Rede Bionorte)/Universidade Federal do Maranhão.
  • Cláudia Costa e Silva Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
  • Andrea Christina Gomes de Azevedo-Cutrim Universidade Estadual do Maranhão



benthos, bioindicators, marine pollution


In the last years, the use of Polychaeta as indicators of marine pollution has intensified, due to the sensitivity of these organisms to environmental variations and their significant presence in quantitative and qualitative terms when compared to other benthic fauna organisms. We aimed to analyze the Polychaeta assemblage of two urbanized beaches in São Luís – Maranhão (Brazil), focusing on spatial-temporal distribution and look for the relation of the species sampled and possible contamination to indicate if they are suitable for environmental assessment. Sediment collection was carried out in the intertidal zone of both beaches in dry (September and November/2015) and rainy periods (March and May/2016). The samples were screened for extraction of the species, which were classified at the lowest possible taxonomic level. The samples revealed the following taxa: Lumbrineridae (Scoletoma tetraura), Nereididae (Laeonereis culveri) and Spionidae (Scolelepis sp.). The diversity and abundance of Polychaeta were greater on Caolho Beach. On these beaches, organic enrichment is not the determining variable in the structure of the Polychaeta assembly. Other studies are needed to improve the knowledge on other macrofauna species of the studied areas, comparing the richness among microhabitats and seasons, and thus elaborate conservation strategies for these ecosystems; and to test the hypothesis of the influence of tourism on this assemblage.


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