Conservation, Inventory, Mammalia, PantanalAbstract
The Urucum Massif (UM) is recognized as a region of flora and fauna endemism, and it is one of the few mountain ranges found in the western edge of the Brazilian Pantanal, in Mato Grosso do Sul state. Despite the lack of knowledge on mammalian species occurrence, several mining companies established in this region has rapidly changed its landscape. Therefore, this study aims to carry out an inventory of medium- to large-sized mammals in the UM to estimate their relative abundance and activity patterns using data provided by camera trapping surveys. Two main camera-trapping surveys were carried between October 2014 and July 2015, in addition to a small survey in July 2016. Results showed 25 species from medium- to large-sized mammals. Dicotyles tajacu, Dasyprocta azarae and Dasypus novemcinctus presented the highest relative abundance indices. Overall, D. azarae, Nasua nasua and Euphractus sexcinctus were diurnal, while Tamandua tetradactyla, D. novemcinctus, Tapirus terrestris and Sylvilagus paraguensis were nocturnal, in turn, D. tajacu and Cerdocyon thous were associated with the crepuscular period. Overall, 28 % (N = 7) and 12 % (N = 3) of the recorded species are threatened nationally and globally, respectively. Due to the scarcity of protected areas in the UM, we recommend long term monitoring of mammals and ecological studies to support conservation actions for this group in the region
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