Theorical ecology, Tropical ecosystems, Knowledge production, Hypothesis, Theories.Abstract
In face of the Brazilian megadiversity, the contribution of Brazilian researchers to the conception of new hypotheses and theories in ecology can still be considered as shy, and this may be one of the main reasons why we have advanced less than we potentially could. In consequence of this reality, the 1st Symposium on Ecological Theory (I SET) took place at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in 2004, aiming to stimulate the concept of new theories by Brazilian ecologists. In 2006, the 2 nd Symposium on Ecological Theory (II SET) took place at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, organized by the Pos Graduation Program in Ecology (PPGE/UFRJ), aiming to give continuity to the fist event, through the discussion of various hypotheses and theories that compose the mosaic of traditional ecology, with emphasis on tropical systems. This article presents a historical perspective of this event and the themes discussed during the event written in a resumed form.