Bibliometric and content analysis in the Virtual Health Library
Introduction: Alzheimer's disease is a public health problem. Despite advances in the scientific literature and public policies, there is a lack of recognition of the eligibility of palliative care for people with dementia and of professional training, as well as access to specialized services. Objective: To map the scenario of national and international scientific production on palliative care for people with Alzheimer's Disease. Method: The bibliographic, exploratory-descriptive research, carried out through bibliometric and content analysis, analyzed 17 articles available in the Virtual Health Library. Results and Discussions: The articles were published in 13 journals, with the participation of 63 authors from different countries. The primary study sample consisted of hospitalized people with dementia, residents in different types of institutions and at home, family members and professionals, especially doctors and nurses, with the main objective of evaluating the quality of care offered, access to services and association between symptoms and quality of life in the last weeks of life. It was possible to extract two themes by analyzing the objectives and outcomes: 1) therapeutic interventions and resources and 2) instruction of professionals and family members involved in care. Conclusion: There is a need to invest in professional training in the area, expansion of research on non-pharmacological interventions and support for family members/caregivers, in addition to ending the misperception of palliative care as a synonym for end-of-life care.
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