Occupational therapy and the invention of different ways of coexistence

the experience of implementing a Community Center





Occupational Therapy, Psychiatric Reform, Community Center


Contextualization: This is a critical report of the experiences of occupational therapy professionals and students linked to an extension project for the implementation of a community and culture center. Intervention Process: The main objective of the extension project is to enable undergraduate students to participate in the planning and structuring of a community center. Critical analysis of practice: In order to understand the elements from which the team's occupational therapists have been anchoring their practices in this process, we highlight the notion of activity, the focus on different ways of doing and inhabiting space and the construction of different ways of coexistenceS. Summary of considerations: There is a deep affinity between the objectives of Community Centers and the work of occupational therapists, which is an essential component of the Community Center teams.


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Lei nº 9323 de 14 de junho de 2021 da Assembleia Legislativa do Rio de Janeiro. Diário Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Ano XLVII, nº 112

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2025-03-18 — Updated on 2025-03-18
