About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Trágica: Estudos de Filosofia da Imanência is a scientific journal created in 2008 to publish original articles, reviews, and translations written by professors and researchers (PhDs, Masters, or post-graduate students) from Brazil and abroad who deal with philosophies that refuse transcendence to Physis in favor of affirming a thought of immanence. The journal seeks to promote debate among researchers through a democratic and academically excellent space. The journal is the official scientific publication of the “Spinoza & Nietzsche de Estudos de Filosofia da Imanência” (SpiN) Research Group of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PPGF-UFRJ), the “Deleuze: Filosofia Prática” Research Group of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (PFI-UFF), and the “Humanismo” Research Group of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (PPGF-UFRRJ). The journal has a quadrimestral periodicity and is classified in the Qualis Capes system as A3.




Created by members of the student body of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at UFRJ (PPGF-UFRJ) and the Spinoza & Nietzsche Research Group (SpiN), it became officially linked to both institutions in Vol.3 No. 2 when the journal's team was restructured. Until volume 6, Trágica was specialized in Nietzsche, subtitled "Studies on Nietzsche" and being biannual. From volume 7 (2014), it started to have the subtitle "Studies in philosophy of immanence", encompassing research on any authors that fit this scope and having a quadrimestral regularity of publication. The first issue of the journal was released in the first semester of 2008, with articles by invited authors. From Vol. 1 No. 2, we always made a public call for articles and double-blind evaluation. In Vol. 3 No.1, we developed new rules for publication. In 2019, we migrated to the current IFCS-UFRJ Journals platform. Associated until 2022 only with the Spinoza & Nietzsche Group of Studies in Philosophy of Immanence (SpiN) of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGF-UFRJ), from the second semester of this year, Trágica also becomes the official journal of the Research Group Deleuze: Filosofia Prática of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (PFI-UFF), and the Research Group Humanismo of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (PPGF-UFRRJ), belonging to the three institutions (UFRJ, UFF, and Rural).

Peer Review Process

The works submitted to the journal are initially evaluated by the Editorial Committee. If pre-approved, they are then evaluated again by two ad hoc reviewers, always doctors of renowned knowledge in the area, from different states and institutions. The works are sent for external evaluation without identification of the authors (double-blind reviews). In case a work receives contradictory reviews, it will be sent to a third reviewer. The modifications and/or corrections suggested by the reviewers, both in relation to the composition and content of the submitted texts, will be sent to the respective authors. A deadline will be established for the corrections to be made.

Publication Frequency

Revista Trágica: Estudos de Filosofia da Imanência, created in 2008, is an official publication of quadrimestral periodicity (since 2014) of the Spinoza & Nietzsche Group of Studies in Philosophy of Immanence (SpiN) and the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PPGF-UFRJ); the Deleuze: Filosofia Prática Research Group of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (PFI-UFF), and the Humanismo Research Group of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (PPGF-UFRRJ).

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate open access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater democratization of knowledge worldwide. The journal adopts the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license, which allows distribution, remixing, adaptation, and creation from the published work, even for commercial purposes, provided that authorship and initial publication in this journal are acknowledged.
