Sobre o prazer: o discurso socrático e o silêncio de Filebo


  • Carla Francalanci UFRJ



Philebus, Socrates, pleasure, knowledge, life.


This work aims to associate the different theses presented by Socrates and Philebus about pleasure to discursive positions taken by each of these characters. I intend to show how Philebus defense of the life of pleasure, which is affirmed by him as belonging to the realm of the living as a whole, as opposed to the Socratic defense of the life of knowledge, which attests man's uniqueness as a rational being, leads in the end the former to the position of silence. Our proposal is to defend the positivity and coherence present in the silence of Philebus beyond the traditional interpretation of his position as being hedonistic.

Author Biography

Carla Francalanci, UFRJ

Departamento de Filosofia da UFRJ


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