A brincadeira de Eutidemo e Dionisodoro no Eutidemo de Platão


  • Paula Fernandes Lopes Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)




Plato, Euthydemus, speech forms, knowledge, forms


Twice during the Euthydemus (277d, 288b), Socrates saysthat  Euthydemus and Dionisodorus are not discussing seriously, but playing with them. In both passages the distinction between "discuss seriously" and "be kidding" introduces the Socratic explanation of what was in fact the knowledge to be sought. Socrates (the character) seems to point in this distinction between playing and seriousness the importance of the speech form to the discovery of Platonic forms. I intend to work in this paper the relationship between the speech form (eristic, elenchos) and the discovery of forms (ideas).


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