Rituality as a moral and intellectual virtue
Ethics and epistemology of virtues based on Xunzi and Sosa
Rites, rituality, Xunzi, Sosa, intellectual virtueAbstract
In this text, I propose that there is an intellectual virtue not yet recognized in debates within the epistemology of virtues: intellectual rituality. To elucidate this, I proceed as follows: (1) I expose the relevance of rituality as a moral virtue within the virtue ethics of the Confucian tradition; (2) I highlight the formulation of rituality in the work of the philosopher Xúnzǐ 荀子; (3) I analyze the meaning of moral rituality; (4) I briefly describe central elements of Sosa’s virtue epistemology; (5) finally, based on Sosa, Tsai, and Xúnzǐ, I formulate the concept of intellectual rituality and point out some of its advantages.
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