Uma Interpretação Sintrópica da Bhagavad Gītā
Bhagavad Gītā , Śraddhā, Ṛta, Syntropy, Intuitive feelingAbstract
This essay explores the epistemology of the Bhagavad Gita, highlighting the concept of śraddhā as the intuitive and syntropic feeling that connects us to truth and sacred reality. It proposes a syntropic science that integrates reason and feeling, based on the centrality of śraddhā. While traditional Western science prioritizes reason and logic over intuitive feeling, the Bhagavad Gita advocates for an integrative epistemology that recognizes the importance of both for understanding reality. Developing śraddhā allows us to transcend the rationalistic worldview and attain a more holistic perception of reality. Syntropic science, grounded in śraddhā, seeks to integrate the principles of modern science with the wisdom of ancient traditions. This promising approach has the potential to lead us to a deeper understanding of the universe and our role within it, as well as to foster a more harmonious relationship between humans and nature.
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