Non-being in Parmenides, DK B2



Palabras clave:

Parmenides, Non-being, Non-contradiction, Eleaticism, Parricide


In fragment DK 28 B 2 of his poem, Parmenides presents his method for distinguishing true persuasion from the lack of true persuasion. The famous two ways for thought that he suggests are the enunciation of a complex system which aims to assure the assertions’ truthfulness and finally a credible discourse, the only one capable of real persuasion. The present article tries to show the central role attributed to non-being in the Parmenidean argumentation. The entire fragment is interpreted from this central notion, surely attained by a reflection on the impossibility of negating being, shedding light on Parmenides’ discovery of that impossibility, which we currently call “contradiction”. He enunciates that the way to avoid contradiction in thought and discourse is through a rule that we call a principle of non-contradiction. The study featured here makes a detailed inquiry into the notion of non-being in fr. 2, finally offering a new translation.

Biografía del autor/a

Nicola Stefano Galgano, Universidade de São Paulo

Pós-doutorado Usp, FFLCH, dep. de Filosofia, Filosofia Antiga


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