About the Journal

Peer Review Process

The first step is to ensure that the text conforms to our Guidelines for Authors.

Texts that exhibit many difficulties for reading or in the ideas exposed can be rejected. We will inform the rejection with a deadline to correct the mistakes.

All texts that accord with our guidelines and don't show too many mistakes are sent to a blind review process.

The text will only be published if a specialist in the field exams it.

Publication Frequency


Open Access Policy

We offer free and instant access to all articles.

Journal History

The journal is traditionally related to the academic seminars organized by graduate students of philosophy.

The first issue of Ítaca was published in 1995, but it became an academic journal only in its second issue, in 2001, now with an Editorial Board and other editorial criteria.

In order to make it available to a greater audience, a website with the latest issues of Ítaca is arranged in 2003.

The first Website of Ítaca

A few years later, a new website is developed, in order to continue to offer instantly free and open access to all articles.


From 2010 on, the journal publications have been accessible from this website.