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Author Guidelines

* Recorde: Brazilian Journal of Sport History is a semi-annual journal and receives articles and reviews in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. The editorial policy of Recorde favours articles that present results of original researches, with first-hand empirical evidence. Eventually, theoretical essays or bibliographical reviews may be accepted for publication. Recorde's scope includes sport, gymnastics, capoeira, dancing, physical education and other institutionalised corporal practices.

* By submitting a manuscript to Recorde, the author(s) agree to assign publishing rights to the journal, but remain completely responsible for other issues that may affect the article. The author(s) maintain, however, the rights to republish the article in other means and channels of academic diffusion without the need of previous approval, with the recommendation that its previous publication in Recorde is displayed.

* Authors should send their submissions to

* Submissions may be accompanied by a covert letter, presenting and justifying the relevance and originality of the manuscript.

* All submissions are subject to a prior assessment of the Editorial Committee. Once recommended by the Committee, the article will be assessed by 1 or 2 anonymous reviewers through a double blind procedure. Submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria: adequacy to the rules of publication; consistency and coherence in arguments; contribution to historical studies; originality. In case of divergences or doubts regarding the publication, a second or third reviewer may be consulted. The author(s) may be asked to make changes to the manuscript, according to the recommendations of the reviewers and Editorial Board. The final decision in accepting or declining the publication of submissions lies within the responsibilities of the Editorial Board.

* Submissions must be in Word for Windows 6.0 or higher, font Bookman Old Style 12 point, A4 paper size, 2.5 cm margins, single spaced (1.0).

* The article or review must be presented in the following order: a) work title; b) author(s) name(s), followed, in a footnote, by their institutional affiliation, email, city and country; c) abstract with keywords in English; d) title and abstract with keywords in Portuguese; e) title and abstract with keywords in Spanish; f) the article itself; g) bibliographical references.

* Articles must not exceeds 80,000 words and reviews 20,000 words. The Editorial Board must be previously consulted in the case of articles or reviews that exceed this limitation.

* Each of the abstracts (in Portuguese, English and Spanish) must not exceed 120 words and must be followed by three keywords in each of these languages.

* Subtitles throughout the submission must be in bold, preferably with no numbering.

* Use italics to highlight words or lines throughout the submission. Bold and underline should be avoided (except in URLs, that must contain an active hyperlink).

* Images and tables must be inserted in the text, and not at the end of the document or as attachments.

* The accuracy of citations and bibliographical references at the end of the text, as well as grammatical and orthographic revisions, are of full responsibility of the author(s).

* Use footnotes only for explanatory notes, complementary and accessory information, or for the indication of primary sources, which do not need to be on the bibliographical references at the end of the text.

* References must use the “author, date” system and should not come in footnotes. The cited reference must be listed at the end. bibliographical references at the end of the text must contain only the cited references. See below some of the most common examples:


GIULIANOTTI, Richard. Sociologia do futebol: dimensões históricas e socioculturais do esporte das multidões. São Paulo: Nova Alexandria, 2002

Book Chapters

MELO, Victor Andrade de. Esporte e cinema no Brasil: longas-metragens: um panorama. In: MELO, Victor Andrade de; PERES, Fabio de Faria (Orgs.). O esporte vai ao cinema. Rio de Janeiro: SENAC, 2005. p. 11-20.

Journal Articles

DRUMOND, Maurício. Futebol e política, nações em jogo. Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro, v. 169, n. 439, p. 37-57, 2008.

Dissertations / Thesis

JESUS, Gilmar Mascarenhas de. A bola nas redes e o enredo do lugar: uma geografia do futebol e de seu advento no Rio Grande do Sul. 2001. 269 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) -- Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.

Works available on the Internet

GARRAFFONI, Renata Senna. Arenas antigas e estádios modernos. Recorde, Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-15, Jun. 2008. Available at:

Newspaper article without author identification

CORRIDAS de cavalo. O Matto-Grosso, Cuiabá, 19 Jul. 1917, p. 4.

Newspaper article with author identification

WINGFIELD, Nick. Torneio de games rivalizam com basquete nas universidades dos EUA. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 20 Dec. 2014, p. B7.


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