GEO RJ Ginásio Experimental Olímpico: (re)pensando o papel do esporte na escola
The present study investigates the Experimental Olympic Gymnasium (GEO), from 2012 to 2016, a branch of the Experimental Carioca Gymnasium program run by the education department of the city of Rio de Janeiro, which began in 2010. GEOs are full-time schools focused on sports that is part of the program of dedicated experimental gymnasiums started in 2012. As a general objective, we analyzed how this expansion of time occurred and the role of sport materialized by the Experimental Gymnasium, program in its Olympic aspect. The data collected throughout this study were based on bibliographic and documentary research. From the analyses, concluded that the program does not aim at a broader sporting experience, it uses sport at school with the aim of discovering sporting talents, creating functions for the school that are not theirs.