Preliminary Study on the Application of the Python Language as a Tool for the Randomization of Laboratory Experiments: a Short Course at ConBraPA 2020


  • Igor Leão dos Santos CEFET-RJ
  • Emanuele Nunes de Lima Figueiredo Jorge
  • Sérgio Thode Filho
  • Fernando Gomes de Souza Junior Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Python, Programming, Completely Randomized Design, Application, Education, Short Course


Digitization, network operation and an emphasis on data become the main attributes of smarter production, the core of a phenomenon declared as Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, or even the fourth technological era. Amid the revolution of the fourth technological age that occurs in our society, the demand for professionals with programming skills stands out. A first challenge in this context concerns how to train professional programmers, in a current, effective, and versatile programming language. A second challenge concerns how to provide this professional with a useful programming base for experimental planning and data analysis, already integrating his programming learning with experimental planning theory. In line with these challenges, a Python language computer programming course was developed with application in the context of the Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The objective of this work is to present and discuss the short course, its construction methodology, and the results of this short course, which took place at the 1st Brazilian Conference on Experimental Planning and Data Analysis (ConBraPa 2020). The main results were: (i) participants learnt about basic programming logic, (ii) participants learnt about using basic instructions in the Python programming language, (iii) participants learnt how to create a randomized experimental sketch in the context of CRD using Python, (iv) elaboration of a specific short course construction methodology. It is noteworthy that, through evaluation with a questionnaire, it was possible to conclude that 100% of the participants in the short course who answered the questionnaire evaluated the short course as beneficial.

Author Biography

Fernando Gomes de Souza Junior, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Associate (III) Prof. Fernando Gomes: Expertise focused in the use of renewable resources and nanocomposites in sensors, drug delivery and environmental recovery. Coordination of more than ten research projects with financial support from Brazilian government sponsoring agencies. Published 160 scientific articles plus 13 accepted for publication during 2021. Published 8 books. Among them,3 chemistry books in Portuguese and 3 books about Biopolymers in English. He has published more than two hundred papers in Conferences and Scientific meetings. Co-convener of the Sixth International Conference on Natural Polymers, Biopolymers and biomaterials: Applications from macro to nanoscale (, Chairman of the Fifth International Conference on Natural Polymers, Biopolymers and biomaterials: Applications from macro to nanoscale ( and Chaiman of the 1st Brazilian Conference on Design of Experiments and Data Analysis ( Supervisor of 128 undergraduate students; 29 M.Sc. students, 14 Ph.D. students and 6 Post Doc. Nowadays I am the supervisor of 11 undergraduate students; 7 M.Sc. students, 10 Ph.D. students and 3 Post Doc. Associate Editor of the MedCrave Online Journal (MOJ) Polymer Science (ISSN: 2574-9773) since 2017. Editor of the Academic Journal of Polymer Science (ISSN: 2641-8282), since 2018. Member of the Editorial Board of Composite Interfaces (ISSN: 0927-6440), since 2021. Member of the editorial board of Current Applied Polymer Science (ISSN 2452-2716) since 2016 and Editor-in-Chief of Current Applied Polymer Science (ISSN 2452-2716) since 2020. Professor Gomes has founded the Brazilian Journal of Experimental Design, Data Analysis and Inferential Statistics in 2021, acting as its 1st Editor-in-Chief. Awardedtwice as Young Scientist of Rio de Janeiro State (FAPERJ 2011 and 2014), Chair Professorship on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Mahatma Gandhi University – India (2018), member of Post Graduate Program in Science and Technology of Polymers of the Macromolecules Institute / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) since 2008, member of Post Graduate Program in Civil Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ) between 2015-2019 and member of Post Graduate Program in Nanotechnology (COPPE/UFRJ) since 2019.





