Mathematical Modeling To Estimate The Growth Of Guandu Bean Pods And Seeds
Statistical analysis, mathematics equation, modeling, non-destructive method, adjustment of equations, growth.Abstract
The objective of this study was to adjust mathematical equations that accurately and non-destructively estimate the growth of pods and seeds of pigeon pea cultivar Fava Larga from the average length and width. For this, the maximum width (W), maximum length (L), and observed mass (OM) of pods and seeds were measured. Linear models of the first degree, quadratic, power, and exponential were adjusted based on the value of 400 pods and 1938 seeds, in which the OM was used as a dependent variable as a function of L and W as independent variables. For the validation of the models, the root means square of the error was calculated from all equations. Thus, in the estimation of the growth in mg of the pods and seeds of the 'Fava Larga' pigeon pea, the quadratic model equations represented by and , respectively, obtained using the width.References
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