Can chemical attributes replace sensory evaluation in consumer preference for papaya fruits?
Carica papaya L. Heterosis. Plant breeding. Genetic variability. Statistica analysis.Abstract
The expansion of the papaya crop depends on cultivars with superior characteristics and human acceptance of the product. Thus, the objective was to study the sensory aspect and the main chemical characteristics of the fruit in 23 papaya genotypes cultivated in the north of the state of Espírito Santo and to evaluate if any chemical characteristic can be used to replace the evaluation by the hedonic scale. At 12 months after planting, fruit samples were evaluated for soluble solids content, titratable acidity, SS/TA ratio and a nine-point structured hedonic scale. The samples submitted to the hedonic scale were represented in codes and evaluated according to the experimental design in randomized blocks, totaling 12 treatments with 15 replications in the first experiment and 11 treatments and 21 replications in the second experiment. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey's test at 5% probability. The means of the four characteristics, in the two experiments, were submitted to Pearson's linear correlation analysis. There was marked variability between the genotypes by the hedonic scale in the two experiments, highlighting the hybrids CR1 x São Mateus and JS12 x SSAM as the most accepted by the consumer.
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