

  • Marilia Carvalho de Mello e Alvim
  • Giralda Seyferth


População de Sambaqui de Cabeçuda, Fêmur, Santa Catarina.


This paper records the visual and metrical femoral characters of the population from the Cabeçudars Sambaqui; 63 adults (41m.-22 f.).The findings were also compared with those of other Paleoamerindian groups and historical Indians.

The mean value of the shaft robusticy index in the Cabeçuda femora is higher than that of Amerindian groups described in the anthropological literature.

The presence and development of the third trochanter, the pretrochanteric tubercle, the hypotrochanteric fossa, the hypotrochanteric crest and the deviation of the anterior surface of the shaft in the subtrochanteric region were observed in a percentage greater than is any other american aboriginal group. With the exception of those features, the Cabeçuda femora ,do not show any significant morphological differences relatively to the other Amerindian groups.

The sex differences of the femur in this homogeneous biological series are very marked.

The direct relations between shaft curvature and femur robusticity and femoral head noticed by Anthony & Rivet were not corroborated by our results. 




