Resistances, Uprisings, the “Rumor of Battles”


  • Vera da Silva Telles USP


resistance, battles, coping strategies, power relations, The Subject and Power


The article aims to discuss the statute of resistance in the script plot and in the conceptual space in which the question of power is formulated. The shortcut to deal with the issue concerns the place and status of the "battle" in power games -- the "rumor of the battles" that encloses Discipline and Punish, but of which one hardly sees the signs in the modes of disciplinary power described and analyzed in this book. If it is true that Foucault always says that "where there is power there is resistance", these games within power relations are not enough to deal with the uncertain terrain of "battles", confrontations, "forces from low" which are inscribed on the surface of events. Recovering records of this issue in several moments of Foucault's work, the article proposes a reflection on the differentiation proposed in the article "The Subject and Power" (1984) between power relations and coping strategies.

Author Biography

Vera da Silva Telles, USP

Professora livre-docente do Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de São Paulo (USP, Brasil). Possui doutorado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (PPGS) da USP, mestrado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política (PPGCP) da USP e graduação em ciências sociais pela USP.

