An Actuality in extremis: Foucault Between Marx and Neoliberalism


  • Nilton Ken Ota USP


marxism, strategy, neoliberalism, engagement, intellectuals


The participation of Foucault in GIP marked the moment of creation of strategic theory about the struggles in the context of a dialogue with Marxist militants. The weakening of that dialogue was accompanied by the start of genealogical research and, consequently, a conceptual reformulation which, among other changes, dispersed the problem of strategic rationality for the construction of a properly theoretical discursiveness. The current controversy surrounding the way the Foucault's legacy, whose pendulum has varied between Marx and neo-liberalism, reveal the effects of an intellectual journey that was divided between the critical reflection of the actual combat and the conceptual formulation of a radical experimentalism. The article aims to reconstruct the main points and theoretical conformations that trajectory.

Author Biography

Nilton Ken Ota, USP

Professor do Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de São Paulo (USP, Brasil) e pesquisador associado do Sophiapol da Université Paris Ouest - Nanterre La Défense (Université Paris-Nanterre, França). É doutor e mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (PPGS) da USP, graduado em ciências sociais pela USP e graduado em comunicação social pela Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM, São Paulo, Brasil).

