Reflections on a Police Archive of Political Information and Its Classifications in the Argentine Repressive Process




repression, police, archive, classification, surveillance


This paper explores different perspectives on the archives of repression and, adopting the approach to archive as a process constructed by the archival discipline, history and anthropology, studies the Archive of the Department of Police Information of the Argentine province of Santiago del Estero as a power device. This allows illuminating the legal figures, scientific discourses, practical knowledge used in the environmental reports that supported their files. The article contributes to the discussion about the militarization of the police and their role in the repression in the 1970s. 

Author Biography

Maria Celeste Schnyder, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero

Professora adjunta do Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Nacional de Santiago del Estero (Unse, Santiago del Estero, Argentina) e pesquisadora adjunta do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa Científica e Técnica (Conicet), do Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento Social da Unse. É doutora em ciência política pela Universidade Nacional de Rosário (UNR, Rosário, Argentina), especialista em Direitos Humanos e Estudos Críticos do Direito pelo Conselho Latino-Americano de Ciências Sociais (Clacso, Buenos Aires, Argentina) e graduada em sociologia pela Unse.

