“Yo no quería matarlo”: Disputas y conflictos en la agresión letal en jóvenes de sectores populares





homicide, young adult, violence, expressed emotion, Argentina


“I didn’t want to kill him”: Disputes and Conflicts in Lethal Aggression in Young People from Popular Sectors This paper aims to understand how everyday disputes in spaces of close sociability lead to homicides in young people. The central problems that guide our reflection are linked to the narrative explicitation of the symbolic, moral and emotional frameworks that compose them. The research was carried out in popular neighborhoods in the metropolitan area of the city of Buenos Aires. We argue that these homicides are inscribed in sociabilities that interweave expressions of “the intolerable” as an embodied experience. This experience drives a radical action in the space of interaction that can lead to lethal aggression.

Author Biography

Damián Herkovits, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Es docente Investigador, Universidad Nacional de Lanús (UNLa), Argentina. Doctor en Salud Colectiva (UNLa). Magister en Ciencias Sociales con mención de Salud Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO, Argentina). Licenciado en Ciencias Antropológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).

