Inter-Regional Dynamics of Markets and Criminal Governance in Fortaleza and Manaus in Comparative Perspective



Palabras clave:

criminal dynamics, criminal governance, state governance, illegal markets, prison collectives


This article discusses how the social roles played by factions constitute a new type of criminal governance that is enforced by armed groups and has led to organizational innovation in prisons in the Brazilian cities of Manaus and Fortaleza. Factions act efficiently to increase their membership and establish their legitimacy. Values and moral orientations, delegation of roles, expansion of access to firearms and financial resources, annexation of territories, expulsion of residents and resistance to police attacks are elements of the local governance of everyday life. We also describe the mechanisms of cooperation and conflict between state and criminal governance. 

Biografía del autor/a

Suiany Silva de Moraes, Universidade Federal do Ceará

outoranda do PPGS da UFC, mestre pelo mesmo programa e graduada em ciências sociais pela mesma universidade. Pesquisadora vinculada ao Laboratório de Estudos da Violência (LEV/UFC). Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa Violência e Cidadania (CNPq/LEV/UFC). 


