First record of Sturnira tildae De La Torre, 1859 (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) for the State of Pernambuco, Brazil
Atlantic Forest, bat, distribution, morphology, range extensionAbstract
Here we present a new record of Sturnira tildae in Pernambuco state, Brazil, based on a capture of a pregnant female in an anthropized environment. This finding expands the known distribution for the species in the northern Atlantic Forest. The species nearest record is about 500 km far from our collection locality. Dental and morphometric characteristics were used to identify the species. These features were compared with those of S. lilium with whom the species has morphological similarities. Sturnira tildae was identified based on its spatulate internal upper incisor teeth, and the lower first and second molars with low lingual cusps and shallow notches. The forearm size of the captured specimen (greater than 45 mm) was also used for identification of S. tildae.
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Additional Files
- Figure 1. Sturnira tildae (female, UFPE 3642) captured in Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil.
- Figure 2. Lateral (A) and dorsal perspective (B) of skull, lower jaw (C) and upper incisors (D) of female Sturnira tildae (UFPE 3642) .
- Figure 3. Geographic distribution of Sturnira tildae in Brazil and the new record (star) in Recife, Pernambuco state. The numbers refer to the codes in Table 3.