
  • Cyntia Cavalcante Santos Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Eric Ragalzi Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Claudio Valério-Junior Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Ricardo Koroiva



Amphibia, Porto Murtinho, species inventory, transition zone


Herein, we present an updated inventory and the variations of frog communities’ composition from five areas of humid Chaco and Cerrado in municipality of Porto Murtinho, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. This municipality is located in an area with three ecoregions: Chaco, Cerrado and Pantanal. Through acoustic and visual nocturnal/diurnal and pitfall evaluations from a period of over five years, we recorded 31 species in the Cerrado and 29 species in the humid Chaco. About 90% of the species were previously registered in the municipality of Porto Murtinho. A non-metric multidimensional analysis based on a presence/absence matrix revealed a separation in our sampling sites and communities with Cerrado and humid Chaco characteristics. This peculiarity in the species composition must be related to the transition zone, with the presence of mixed species characteristics of Cerrado and humid Chaco in both areas in the municipality of Porto Murtinho experiences a high degree of deforestation pressure, which threatens both the Cerrado and humid Chaco vegetation. This highlights the importance of knowledge actions about the richness and composition of species, corroborating ecological tools to support conservation in this region.

Biografia do Autor

Cyntia Cavalcante Santos, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

Instituto de Biociências, Laboratório de Ecologia


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