
  • Juliana Benck Pasa Universidade Federal de São João del Rei
  • Carla Grasiele Zanin Hegel Universidade de Brasília
  • Noeli Zanella Universidade de Passo Fundo




ffeeding diet, habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, mammalian fauna, roadkill


Roads modify the landscape and act as a barrier to fauna movements between habitat patches, which may cause changes in mammals’ diet. Our objective was to analyze the food items found in stomach contents and which trophic categories are most abundant in roadkilled mammals of northern Rio Grande do Sul state. We analyzed 50 stomachs of 18 species collected from 2008 to 2010 and 2015 to 2017, belonging to 5 trophic categories: Omnivores (9 species), Carnivores (5 species), Herbivores (2 species), Myrmecophagides (1 species) and Piscivores (1 species).  Our results suggest that roadkilled mammals utilized a wide range of trophic categories, in which half of the species recorded here presented omnivorous habits and are categorized as generalist species.


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