


, coastal ecosystem, gene flow, microsatellite.


We analyzed the genetic connectivity between mullets (Mugil liza) captured around the protected Natural Monument of Cagarras Islands (MoNa Cagarras) and inside Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, using microsatellite markers polymorphisms. Our data revealed the occurrence of 31 shared alleles (from 41 sampled), a high similarity in both allelic frequencies and genetic diversity and lack of differentiation between collection points (FST = 0.000, p > 0.05, STRUCTURE best estimative K = 1), results which, analyzed together, are strongly indicative of panmixia. We conclude that individuals collected inside the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon are genetically similar to those individuals collected around MoNa Cagarras. Given the importance of estuaries for the reproduction and development of individuals of M. liza, it is recommended that the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon to be managed in order to maintain genetic connectivity and diversity between the two ecosystems.


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