
  • Sidinei Magela Thomaz
  • Priscilla Carvalho
  • Roger Paulo Mormul
  • Renata Ruaro
  • André Andrian Padial
  • Elena Galvanese
  • Luis Mauricio Bini


In this review, we evaluate the contribution of Brazilian limnologists to research outputs on aquatic macrophyte ecology. We found a strong “adviser effect” of Professor F.A. Esteves on the Brazilian scientific production focused on aquatic macrophytes. In general, articles focused on a variety of themes, including, inter alia, the role of aquatic macrophytes on the biodiversity of other groups, the interaction between macrophytes and the environment, the effects of environmental factors on aquatic macrophytes distribution and biodiversity, the effects of invasive species on aquatic biodiversity, aquatic macrophytes control and decomposition. Emerging topics (e.g., metacommunity ecology, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, and patterns of diversity and their determinants) are being embraced by Brazilian limnologists that use aquatic macrophytes as organism models. Despite the fact there is much to study, we think that directly (e.g., via mentoring) or indirectly (via publications), our current knowledge about macrophytes ecology was inspired by Chico Esteves.


Afzal, M., Arslan, M., Müller, J. A., Shabir, G., Islam, E., Tahseen, R., Anwarul-Haq, M., Hashmat, A. J., Iqbal, S., & Khan Q. M. 2019. Floating treatment wetlands as a suitable option for large-scale wastewater treatment. Nature Sustainability, 2(9), 863–871.

Agostinho, A. A., Gomes, L.C., & Júlio Jr, H. F. 2003. Relações entre macrófitas e fauna de peixes. In: S. M. Thomaz & L. M. Bini (Eds.), Ecologia e manejo de macrófitas aquáticas. pp. 261–279. Maringá: EDUEM.

Alahuhta, J., Kosten, S., Akasaka, M., Auderset, D., Azzella, M. M., Bolpagni, R., Bove, C. P., Chambers, P. A., Chappuis, E., Clayton, J., de Winton, M., Ecke, F., Gacia, E., Gecheva, G., Grillas, P. H., J.,Hellsten, S., Hjort, J., Hoyer, M. V., Ilg, C., Kolada, A., Kuoppala, M., Lauridsen, T., Li, E. H., Lukacs, B. A., Mjelde, M., Mikulyuk, A., Mormul, R. P., Nishihiro, J., Oertli, B., Rhazi, L., Rhazi, M., Sass, L., Schranz, C., Sondergaard, M., Yamanouchi, T., Yu, Q., Wang, H., Willby, N., Zhang, X. K., & Heino, J. 2019. Global variation in the beta diversity of lake macrophytes is driven by environmental heterogeneity rather than latitude. Journal of Biogeography, 44(8), 1758–1769.

Alves, J. M., Caliman, A., Guariento, R. D., Figueiredo-Barros, M. P., Carneiro, L. S., Farjalla, V. F., Bozelli, R. L., & Esteves, F. A. 2010. Stoichiometry of benthic invertebrate nutrient recycling: interspecific variation and the role of body mass. Aquatic Ecology, 44 (2), 421–430.

Alves, R. M. A., Albuquerque, M. B., & Barbosa, L. G. 2017. Status of the invasion of a Poaceae species in tropical semi-arid reservoirs. Planta Daninha, 35, e017153224.

Amorim, S. R., Umetsu, C. A., & Camargo, A. F. M. 2015. Effects of a non-native species of Poaceae on aquatic macrophyte community composition: a comparison with a native species. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 53, 191–196.

Arens, K. 1946. Contribuição para o conhecimento das incrustações calcáreas de Nitella. Boletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Série Botânica, Rio de Janeiro, 5, 1–16.

Barbieri, R., Esteves, F. A., & Reid, J. W. 1984. Contribution of two aquatic macrophytes to the nutrient budget of Lobo Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil. Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 22, 1631–1635.

Bauer, L. H., Arenzon, A., Molle, N. D., Rigotti, J. A., Borges, A. C. A., Machado, N. R., & Rodrigues, L. H. R. 2021. Floating treatment wetland for nutrient removal and acute ecotoxicity improvement of untreated urban wastewater. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 18, 3697–3710.

Bento, L., Marotta, H., & Enrich-Prast, A. 2007. O papel das macrófitas aquáticas emersas no ciclo do Fósforo em lagos rasos. Oecologia Brasiliensis, 11, 582–589.

Bianchini Jr, I., Cunha-Santino, M. B., Milan, J. A. M., Rodrigues, C. J., & Dias, J. H. P. 2015. Model parameterization for the growth of three submerged aquatic macrophytes. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 53, 64–73.

Bini, L. M., Thomaz, S. M., Murphy, K. J., & Camargo, A.F.M. 1999. Aquatic macrophyte distribution in relation to water and sediment conditions in the Itaipu Reservoir, Brazil. Hydrobiologia, 415, 147–154.

Bini, L. M., Thomaz, S. M., & Carvalho, P. 2010. Limnological effects of Egeria najas Planchon (Hydrocharitaceae) in the arms of Itaipu Reservoir (Brazil, Paraguay). Limnology, 11(1), 39–47.

Bora, L. S., Thomaz, S. M., & Padial, A. A. 2020. Evidence of rapid evolution of an invasive Poaceae in response to salinity, Aquatic Sciences, 82(4), 76.

Boschilia, S. M., Oliveira, E. F., & Schwarzbold, A. 2016. Partitioning beta diversity of aquatic macrophyte assemblages in a large subtropical reservoir: prevalence of turnover or nestedness? Aquatic Sciences, 78(3), 615–625.

Boschilia, S. M., Oliveira, E. F., & Thomaz, S. M. 2008. Do aquatic macrophytes co-occur randomly? An analysis of null models in a tropical floodplain. Oecologia, 156(1), 203–214.

Bottino, F., Milan, J. A. M., Cunha-Santino, M. B., & Bianchini, Jr, I. 2017. Influence of the residue from an iron mining dam in the growth of two macrophyte species. Chemosphere, 186, 488–494.

Caliman, A., Carneiro, L. S., Bozelli, R. L., Farjalla, V. F., & Esteves, F. A. 2011. Bioturbating space enhances the effects of non‐additive interactions among benthic ecosystem engineers on cross‐habitat nutrient regeneration. Oikos, 120 (11), 1639–1648.

Caliman, A., Carneiro, L. S., Leal, J. J. F., Farjalla, V. F., Bozelli, R. L., & Esteves, F. A. 2013. Biodiversity effects of benthic ecosystem engineers on the spatial patterns of sediment CH4 concentration in an urban Neotropical coastal lagoon. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 25 (3), 302–314.

Callisto, M., Moreno, P., Gonçalves Jr, J. F., Leal, J. J. F., & Esteves, F. A. 2002. Diversity and biomass of Chironomidae (Diptera) larvae in an impacted coastal lagoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 62 (1), 77–84.

Calvo, C., Mormul, R. P., Figueiredo, B. R. S., Cunha, E. R., Thomaz, S. M., & Meerhoff, M. 2019. Herbivory can mitigate, but not counteract, the positive effects of warming on the establishment of the invasive macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata. Biological Invasions, 21, 59–66.

Camargo, A. F. M., & Esteves, F. A. 1996. Influence of water level variation on biomass and chemical composition of the aquatic macrophyte Eichhornia azurea (Kunth) in an oxbow lake of the Rio Mogi-Guacu (São Paulo, Brazil). Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie, 135, 423–432.

Carniatto, N., Thomaz, S. M., Cunha, E. R., Fugi, R., & Ota, R. R. 2013. Effects of an invasive alien Poaceae on aquatic macrophytes and fish communities in a Neotropical reservoir. Biotropica, 45, 747–754.

Catian, G., Silva, D. M., Suarez, Y. R., & Scremin-Dias, E. 2018. Effects of flood pulse dynamics on functional diversity of macrophyte communities in the Pantanal wetland. Wetlands, 38(5), 975–991.

Chambers, P. A., Lacoul, P., Murphy, K. J., & Thomaz, S. M. 2008. Global diversity of aquatic macrophytes in freshwater. Hydrobiologia, 595, 9–26.

Colares, G. S., Dell'Osbel N., Wiesel, P. G., Oliveira, G. A., Lemos, P. H. Z., Silva, F. P., Lutterbeck, C. A., Kist, L. T., & Machado, E. L. 2020. Floating treatment wetlands: A review and bibliometric analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 714, 136776.

Cook, C. D. K. 1993. Origin, autoecology, and spread of some of the world's most troublesome aquatic weeds. In: A. H. Pieterse & J. K. Murphy (Eds.), Aquatic weeds: the ecology and management of nuisance aquatic vegetation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cunha, E. R., Thomaz, S. M., Evangelista, H. B. A., Carniato, J., Souza, C. F., & Fugi R. 2011. Small-sized fish assemblages do not differ between a native and a recently established non-indigenous macrophyte in a Neotropical ecosystem. Natureza & Conservação, 9(1), 61–66.

Cunha, E. R., Thomaz, S. M., Mormul, R. P., Cafofo, E. G., & Bonaldo, A. B. 2012. Macrophyte structural complexity influences spider assemblage attributes in wetlands. Wetlands, 32, 369–377.

da Silva, C. J., & Esteves, F. A. 1993. Biomass of three macrophytes in the Pantanal of the Mato Grosso, Brazil. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 19, 11–23.

de Castro, W. A. C., de Almeira, R. V., Xavier, R. O., Arduin, M., Moya, A. H., Matos, D. M. S. 2021. Response of rhizomes of the invasive Hedychium coronarium J. König (Zingiberaceae) to different soil moisture conditions. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 122–125.

de Castro, W. A. C., de Almeira, R. V., Xavier, R. O., Bianchini, I., Moya, H., & Matos, D. M. S. 2020. Litter accumulation and biomass dynamics in riparian zones in tropical South America of the Asian invasive plant Hedychium coronarium J. König (Zingiberaceae). Plant Ecology & Diversity, 13, 47–59.

Demarco, C. F., Afonso, T. F., Pieniz, S., Quadro, M. S., de Oliveira Camargo, F. A., & Andreazza, R. 2020. Evaluation of Enydra anagallis remediation at a contaminated watercourse in south Brazil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 22, 1216–1223.

Dias, R. M., da Silva, J. C. B., Gomes, L. C., & Agostinho, A. A. 2017. Effects of macrophyte complexity and hydrometric level on fish assemblages in a Neotropical floodplain. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 100(6), 703–716.

Dibble, E. D. P., & Pelicice F. M. 2010. Influence of aquatic plant-specific habitat on an assemblage of small neotropical floodplain fishes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 19, 381–389.

dos Santos, A. M., Esteves, F. A. 2004. Influence of water level fluctuation on the mortality and aboveground biomass of the aquatic macrophyte Eleocharis interstincta (VAHL) Roemer et Schults. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 47, 281–290.

dos Santos, T. R., Ferragut, C., & Bicudo, C. E. M. 2013. Does macrophyte architecture influence periphyton? Relationships among Utricularia foliosa, periphyton assemblage structure and its nutrient (C, N, P) status. Hydrobiologia, 714, 71–83.

dos Santos, N. G., Stephan, L. R., Otero, A., Iglesias, C., & Castilho- Noll, M. S. M. 2020. How free-floating macrophytes influence interactions between planktivorous fish and zooplankton in tropical environments? An in-lake mesocosm approach. Hydrobiologia, 847, 1357–1370.

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Esteves, F. A. 1979. Die Bedeutung der aquatischen Makrophyten für den Stoffhaushalt des Schöhsees. I. Die Produktion an Biomasse. Arch. Hydrobiol./Suppl 57(2), 117–143.

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Esteves, F. A., & Barbieri, R. 1983. Dry-weight and chemical-changes during decomposition of tropical macrophytes in Lobo Reservoir Sao-Paulo, Brazil. Aquatic Botany, 16(3), 285–295.

Fares, A. L. B., Nonato, F. A. S., & Michelan, T. S. 2020. New records of the invasive macrophyte, Urochloa arrecta extend its range to eastern Brazilian Amazon altered freshwater ecosystems. Acta Amazonica, 50, 133–137.

Fasoli, J. V., Michelan, T. S., & Thomaz, S. M. 2015. Sediment composition mediates the invasibility of aquatic ecosystems by a non-native Poaceae species. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 27(2), 165–170.

Fasoli, J. V. B., Mormul, R. P., Cunha, E. R., & Thomaz, S. M. 2018. Plasticity responses of an invasive macrophyte species to inorganic carbon availability and to the interaction with a native species. Hydrobiologia, 817, 227–237.

Fernandes, F. L. G., Teixeira, M. C., & Thomaz, S. M. 2013. Diversity and biomass of native macrophytes are negatively related to dominance of an invasive Poaceae in Brazilian sub-tropical streams. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 25, 202–209.

Ferreira, C. M. L., & Esteves, F. A. 1992. Decomposition of Potamogeton stenostachys K. Schum. and evaluation of its detritus as a potential energy source in a tropical coastal lagoon. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 18, 47–54.

Ferreira, T. F., Crossetti, L. O., Marques, D. M. M., Cardoso, L., Fragoso Jr, C. R., & van Nes, E. H. 2018. The structuring role of submerged macrophytes in a large subtropical shallow lake: Clear effects on water chemistry and phytoplankton structure community along a vegetated-pelagic gradient. Limnologica, 69, 142–154.

Figueiredo, B. R. S., Mormul, P. R., & Thomaz, S. M. 2015. Swimming and hiding regardless of the habitat: prey fishdo not choose between a native and a non-native macrophyte species as a refuge. Hydrobiologia, 746, 285–290.

Fonseca, A. L. S., Marinho, C. C., & Esteves, F. A. 2015. Aquatic macrophytes detritus quality and sulfate availability shape the methane production pattern in a dystrophic coastal lagoon. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6, 1675–1684.

Fonseca, A. L. S., Marinho, C. C., & Esteves, F. A. 2017. floating aquatic macrophytes decrease the methane concentration in the water column of a tropical coastal lagoon: implications for methane oxidation and emission. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 60, e160381.

Forini, M. M. L., Antunes, D. R., Cavalcante, L. A. F., Pontes, M. S., Biscalchim, E. R., Sanches, A. O., Santiago, E. F., Fraceto, L. F., & Grillo, R. 2020. Fabrication and characterization of a novel herbicide delivery system with magnetic collectability and its phytotoxic effect on photosystem ii of aquatic macrophyte. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68, 11105–11113.

García-Girón, J., Heino, J., Baastrup-Spohr, L., Bove, C. P., Clayton, J., de Winton, M., Feldmann, T., Fernandez-Alaez, M., Ecke, F., Grillas, P., Hoyer, M.V., Kolada, A., Kosten, S., Lukacs, B. A., Mjelde, M., Mormul, R. P., Rhazi, L., Rhazi, M., Sass, L., Xu, J., & Alahuhta, J. 2020a. Global patterns and determinants of lake macrophyte taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic beta diversity. Science of The Total Environment, 723, e138021.

García-Girón, J., Heino, J., Baastrup-Spohr, L., Clayton, J., de Winton, M., Feldmann, T., Fernandez-Alaez, C., Ecke, F., Hoyer, M. V., Kolada, A., Kosten, S., Lukacs, B. A., Mormul, R. P., Rhazi, L., Rhazi, M., Sass, L., Xu, J., & Alahuhta, J. 2020b. Elements of lake macrophyte metacommunity structure: Global variation and community-environment relationships. Limnology and Oceanography, 65, 2883–2895.

Gentilin-Avanci, C., Pinha, G. D., Petsch, D. K., Mormul, R. P., & Thomaz, S. M. 2021. The invasive macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata causes taxonomic and functional homogenization of associated Chironomidae community. Limnology, 22 (1), 129–138.

Gonçalves Jr, J. F., Santos, A. M., & Esteves, F. A. 2004. The influence of the chemical composition of Typha domingensis and Nymphaea ampla detritus on invertebrate colonization during decomposition in a Brazilian coastal lagoon. Hydrobiologia, 527, 125–137.

Grimaldo, J. T., Bini, L. M., Landeiro, V. L., O'Hare, M. T., Caffrey, J., Spink, A., Martins, S. V., Kennedy, M. P., & Murphy, K. J. 2016. Spatial and environmental drivers of macrophyte diversity and community composition in temperate and tropical calcareous rivers. Aquatic Botany, 132, 49–61.

Guariento, R. D., Carneiro, L. S., Caliman, A., Bozelli, R. L., Leal, J. J. F., & Esteves, F. A. 2010. Interactive effects of omnivorous fish and nutrient loading on net productivity regulation of phytoplankton and periphyton. Aquatic Biology, 10 (3), 273–282.

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Lolis, L. A., Alves, D. C., Fan, S., Lv, T., Yang, L., Li, Y., Liu, C., Yu, D., & Thomaz, S. M. 2020. Negative correlations between native macrophyte diversity and water hyacinth abundance are stronger in its introduced than in its native range. Diversity and Distributions, 262, 242–253.

Louback-Franco, N., Dainez-Filho, M. S., Souza, D. C., & Thomaz, S. M. 2018. A native species does not prevent the colonization success of an introduced submerged macrophyte, even at low propagule pressure. Hydrobiologia, 847, 1619–1629.

Maltchik, L., & Pedro, F. 2001. Responses of aquatic macrophytes to disturbance by flash floods in a Brazilian semiarid intermittent stream. Biotropica, 33, 566–572.

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Marinho, C. C., Meirelles-Pereira, F., Gripp, A. R., Guimarães, C. C., Esteves, F. A., & Bozelli, R. L. 2010. Aquatic macrophytes drive sediment stoichiometry and the suspended particulate organic carbon composition of a tropical coastal lagoon. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 22, 208–217.

Melo, S., Bozelli, R. L., & Esteves, F. A. 2007. Temporal and spatial fluctuations of phytoplankton in a tropical coastal lagoon, southeast Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 67 (3), 475–483.

Melo, A., Bini, L. M., & Carvalho, P. 2006. Brazilian articles in international journals on Limnology. Scientometrics, 67 (2), 187–199.

Menezes, C. F. S., Esteves, F. A., & Anesio, A. M. 1993. Influência da variação artificial do nível d’água da represa do Lobo (SP) sobre a biomassa e produtividade de Nymphoides indica (L.) O. Kuntze e Pontederia cordata L. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 6 (1), 163–172.

Michelan, T. S., Thomaz, S. M., Mormul, R. P., & Carvalho. 2010. Effects of an exotic invasive macrophyte (tropical signalgrass) on native plant community composition, species richness and functional diversity. Freshwater Biology, 55, 1315–1326.

Michelan, T. S., Thomaz, S. M., & Bini, L. M. 2013. Native macrophyte density and richness affect the invasiveness of a tropical Poaceae species. Plos One, 8(3), e60004.

Michelan, T. S., Dainez-Filho, M. S., & Thomaz, S. M. 2018. Aquatic macrophyte mats as dispersers of one invasive plant species. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 78, 169–171.

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Moi, D. A., Evangelista, H. B. A., Mormul, R. P., Evangelista, L. R., & Thomaz, S. M. 2021a. Ecosystem multifunctionality and stability are enhanced by macrophyte richness in mesocosms. Aquatic Sciences, 83(3), 53.

Moi, D. A., Alves, D. C., Antiqueira, P. A. P., Thomaz, S. M., Teixeira-de-Mello, F., Bonecker, C. C., Rodrigues, L. C., García-Ríos, R., & Mormul, R. P. 2021b. Ecosystem shift from submerged to floating plants simplifying the food web in a tropical shallow lake. Ecosystems, 24, 628–639.

Monção, F. S., dos Santos, A. M., & Bini, L. M. 2012. Aquatic macrophyte traits and habitat utilization in the Upper Parana River floodplain, Brazil. Aquatic Botany, 102, 50–55.

Mormul, R. P., Ferreira, F. A., Michelan, T. S., Carvalho, P., Silveira, M. J., & Thomaz, S. M. 2010. Aquatic macrophytes in the large, sub-tropical Itaipu Reservoir, Brazil. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 58(4), 1437–1451.

Mormul, R. P., Ahlgren, J., Ekvall, M. K., Hansson, L. A., & Brönmark, C. 2012. Water brownification may increase the invasibility of a submerged non-native macrophyte. Biological Invasions, 14(10), 2091–2099.

Mormul, R. P., Esteves, F. A., Farjalla, V. F., & Bozelli, R. L. 2015. Space and seasonality effects on the aquatic macrophyte community of temporary Neotropical upland lakes. Aquatic Botany, 126, 54–59.

Mormul, R. P., Thomaz, S. M., & Jeppesen, E. 2020. Do interactions between eutrophication and CO2 enrichment increase the potential of elodeid invasion in tropical lakes? Biological Invasions, 22, 2787–2795.

Moura-Júnior, E. G., Pott, A., Severi, W., & Zickel, C. S. 2019. Response of aquatic macrophyte biomass to limnological changes under water level fluctuation in tropical reservoirs. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 79, 120–126.

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Padial, A. A., Thomaz, S. M., & Agostinho, A. A. 2009. Effects of structural heterogeneity provided by the floating macrophyte Eichhornia azurea on the predation efficiency and habitat use of the small Neotropical fish Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae. Hydrobiologia, 624, 161–170.

Padial, A. A., Ceschin, F., Declerck, S. A. J., De Meester, L., Bonecker, C. C., Lansac-Tôha, F. A., Rodrigues, L. C., Train, S., Velho, L. F. M., & Bini, L. M. 2014. Dispersal Ability Determines the Role of Environmental, Spatial and Temporal Drivers of Metacommunity Structure. Plos One, 9(10), e111227.

Palma-Silva, C., Albertoni, E. F., & Esteves, F. A. 2000. Eleocharis mutata (L.) Roem. et Schult. subject to drawdowns in a tropical coastal lagoon, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Plant Ecology, 148 (2), 157–164.

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