This article investigates how discourse markers influence numerical reasoning in solving mathematical problems. The study analyzes high-performance responses in the Brazilian Public School Mathematics Olympiad (OBMEP) between 2010 and 2013. The analysis reveals that language, besides expressing words, also materializes numbers and images stylistically. The diversity of linguistic styles in responses does not interfere with their mathematical effectiveness. From the perspective of Michel Pêcheux's discourse analysis, it explores how cultural variations in words, numbers, and images create discursive possibilities for efficient mathematical communication. It is argued that integrating culturally relevant references and practices into mathematical education enhances students' ability to articulate and interact with different semiotic modes in their responses. The study examines how discourse markers operate lexical, numerical, and visual logic, generating a meaning effect specific to each response. It emphasizes the importance of future research on the stylistic and discursive aspects of mathematical education to understand how these dimensions interrelate and are influenced by social, historic and cultural factors.
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