
Submissions until May 31, 2024.

What is the political in the field of dance? How can we approach the political body in dance? These are questions that arise from the understanding that the body is a political condition in its various dimensions of existence. As a visceral and aesthetic phenomenon, the category of the political is proposed as a plurality in its epistemic, ontological and ethical aspects. In this context, the materiality of dancing has produced changes on the contemporary scene that merit reflection. Based on these assumptions, the Brazilian Journal of Dance Studies proposes the thematic dossier "Dance and Politics" in order to expand the relationship between dance and its various contexts.


Themes and questions:


Body, dance and politics: The power of cognitive habits in reading the world;

Confronting political bodies in dance;

Artistic engagements as bonds of political sharing in dance Dance as the generation of political knowledge;

What policies can promote more effective actions in dance?

Bodies with disabilities and their dances as powers of life;

How can we understand the implication of a discourse in dance, via the curriculum, which is being prepared beyond words in the context of affirmative policies?

What commonalities are possible considering an anti-racist and decolonial political project in dance?

Where is dance in politics and politics in dance?

How can we think about aesthetic propositions considering their political dimensions?

In the face of digital contexts and the logic of artistic - market - agency, what dances are possible?

Guest Editors:

Giancarlo Martins (PPGARTES/UNESPAR)

Maria Helena Franco de Araujo Bastos (LADCOR - PPGAC ECA USP)

Yara dos Santos Costa Passos (ProfArtes/UEA)