The importance of action in the creative process of “A cidade e os espelhos”
In this paper we describe the creative process of the improvised musical piece The city and the mirrors, for live electronics and electric bass, composed in 2019 by Lucas Uriarte and Lucas Quinamo. We approach the creation of the piece presenting its extramusical influences – an excerpt from the book Invisible cities by Ítalo Calvino, and concepts about games proposed by four authors – and reporting creative implementations that culminated in the structuring of an improvisational game coordinated by cards. To discuss this process, we use references about games and the concept of autopoiesis, proposed by Maturana & Varela, to enlighten the fundamental significance of action/performance throughout this creative process.
Improvised music. Collaborative creative process. Musical games. Autopoiesis. Live electronics. Electric bass.
Author Biography
Lucas Zewe Uriarte
Doutorando em música pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas - área de processos criativos
Lucas Quinamo Furtado de Mendonça
Graduação em composição - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - área de processos criativos