About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Revista Brasileira de Neurologia (RBN) is a scientific publication of the Institute of Neurology at UFRJ (INDC-UFRJ) in association with the Neurology Association of Rio de Janeiro (ANERJ) published from 1949 to 1983 under the name Jornal Brasileiro de Neurologia and since then as the Revista Brasileira de Neurologia. Its objective is to publish technical-scientific articles in the area of basic and clinical neurosciences, offering interested professionals, with varying degrees of experience, material that enables their improvement and/or continued education. Publishes original articles, review articles, historical notes, case reports, images and opinions. From 2015 onwards, the edition began to be published in digital form, online, but it is now published online via LILACS EXPRESS.
Peer Review Process
Contributions sent will be previously submitted for analysis by the Editorial Team, and those that do not meet the journal's minimum criteria will not be accepted. The rest will be forwarded to ad hoc reviewers, made up of recognized researchers from different universities and scientific institutions. The reviewers' evaluation will take into account the journal's editorial policy, which expresses the following criteria: relevance to RBN, originality in the treatment of the topic, consistency and methodological rigor and quality of the text.
The Revista Brasileira de Neurologia is a quarterly publication, that is, it presents four issues per year.
Open Access Policy
This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.
Journal History
The Revista Brasileira de Neurologia (RBN) has been published since 1949, from that date until 1983 under the name Jornal Brasileiro de Neurologia and since then as Revista Brasileira de Neurologia. From 2015 onwards, the edition began to be published in digital form, online, but it is now published online via LILACS EXPRESS.