Dreaming is the result of the mental activity of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage, and less commonly of non-REM sleep. Dreams offer unique insights into the patients' brains, minds, and emotions. Based on neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies, the biological core of dreaming stands on some brain areas activated or inactivated. Dream abnormalities in neurological disorders include a reduction / cessation of dreaming, an increase in dream frequency, changes in dream contents and accompaniments, and the occurrence of dreamlike experiences (hallucinations) mainly during the wake- -sleep/sleep-wake transitions. Dream changes can be associated with several neurological conditions, and the unfolding of biological knowledge about dream experiences can also have significance in clinical practice. Regarding the dream importance in clinical neurological management, the aim of this paper encompasses a summary of sleep stages, dreams neurobiology including brain areas involved in the dreams, memory, and dreams, besides Dreams in the aging people and neurodegenerative disorders.