World-System Theories in the Transition to the Long 21st Century
Análises dos Sistemas-Mundo, Marxismo, Teorias da Dependência, Longo Século XXI, Caos SistêmicoAbstract
The article conducts a dialogical reflection between Braudelian analyzes of world-systems and Marxism, seeking to advance in the ways of building a Marxist theory of the capitalist world-system. To this end, revisits the works of classic and contemporary authors, placing the transition to the long 21st century as paradigmatic to promote the development of this theoretical synthesis. In this sense, it analyzes the crisis of neoliberal globalization and the ongoing systemic chaos, linking it to the articulation of long-term movements: the scientific-technical revolution, the cycle of hegemony in the United States and that of Kondratiev, which began in 1994.
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