Terapia Ocupacional assistida por cães para adolescente com Paralisia Cerebral

Canine-assisted occupational therapy for adolescent with cerebral palsy





Terapia Assistida por Animais; Terapia Ocupacional; Cães; Terapia Assistida por Cães


Introdução: The international Occupational Therapy literature indicates positive effects of the practice of Canine-Assisted Therapy for different populations with results in occupational performance and engagement. In Brazil, knowledge on the topic is still incipient, specifically for the population with cerebral palsy (CP). Objective: to present an intervention plan in Dog-Assisted Occupational Therapy for adolescents with CP, reporting the activities and role of the dog, and identify the benefits according to the results of pre- and post-intervention assessments. Method: Case study with quasi-experimental design with a 12-year-old teenager. Data collection using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure pre and post-intervention and observation of the participant's reactions. Data analyzed quantitatively according to the instrument's arithmetic procedures and pre- and post-intervention scores were compared. Results: When comparing pre- and post-intervention results on performance and satisfaction, there was a clinically significant change. Based on the adolescent's reactions, there was an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence and greater functional use of the right upper limb for handling objects, writing and tasks related to eating and grooming. Discussão: The effectiveness of TOAC is based on the theory of biophilia, social support and positive effects on the neuroendocrine system. Conclusion: Dog-Assisted Occupational Therapy proved to be beneficial for the adolescent with CP, as the dog encouraged motivation, engagement and perseverance in carrying out activities even in the face of motor difficulties on the part of the adolescent.


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